Homework #10. Indie American experimental, postpunk and No Wave from the letters A, B & C (H2D CD#70): Homework #9 & 10 are the only volumes that will carry over from the original Homework series. Theoretically #9 is "punkier" and #10 is more "experimental" and they're both mostly from LPs but you need it all anyway. Enjoy a[nother] spectacular survey of the artistic and the accidental, the homely and the home-made, the involuntary and the visionary, the unselfconscious and the unbelievably cool... with the Adults, B People, Cardboards, Carsickness, China Shop, Culturcide, Bound & Gagged, Band of Susans, Arms of Someone New, Bomis Prendin, Black Cat Bone, Brain People, Blue Trapeze, Robin Crutchfield's Dark Day, Chemicals Made from Dirt, Crash Course in Science and the August Sons. 20 tracks. Get it at the store

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